A website to showcase the audio technicians and the facilities of Toronto’s top-tier mastering establishment while allowing potential clients the ability to book appointments.
When I was approached by Noah Mintz from Lacquer Channel, he was looking to get their website redesigned and content updated. Using WordPress CMS, I worked on their site over the course of a few weeks to revamp it and give them a fresh look.
Initial pre-production for the project started with the development of mockups and template pages that will be implemented to replace the dated visual content.
The home page was the first page to be redesigned. Once a user flow was established, I started to put together the required elements and information on the page. This involved redesign of the engineers and studio sections. Once completed and approved, the page was set to live.
An Engineer template page was created, and with a few meetings to finalize the look, I then started to place the content onto the new page design. Once I had completed the technician page designs, I swapped out the old content for the new pages and added in the new home page with the revised layout and content.