Sean Alten

Canadian federally registered charity that helps dogs who are affected by natural disasters, climate change, the canine overpopulation crisis, and other dire circumstances find their forever homes.

When approached by the CEO and Director of Operations for this Toronto-based fostering charity organization, I was tasked with redesigning their website from a bland experience, into something that more aligned with their brand. The process started with some ideation of what someone would want to do when they visited their site. With some research into their database system and their WordPress them, I began working through wireframes to help with focusing on user flows. While going through the process, we discovered mutliple pages that could be combined to streamline user experience. It was also noted that a blog would like to be included in the new site.

Refining pages and content during wireframing, I worked through different typefaces and hierarchies to move the look of the site so that it was more aligned with their brand. This would include adding CSS stylings to their Fetch database so that a real-time viewing of adoptable and rescue dogs could be viewed by visitors.

Once the content was sifted through, redundant content was removed and updated, I put together pages and layouts for them to approve. Once we completed a few iterations, the pages were approved and final development was completed, and the site launched. 

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